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About Me>

I am a young, talented and self-employed entrepreneur. I was born in Radford, VA on March 31, 1984 and relocated to upstate South Carolina at age 6. From then I was raised on the border of both Carolina's enjoying the "Carolina Lifestyle" and being raised around many different cultures and types of people. I began "rapping" at an early age in middle school. I was good at remembering lyrics to my favorite songs and rapping along with them. After a short time, I realized that I had the ability to write songs myself and began writing random rhymes in notebooks and anywhere I could fit a couple bars of material.  Never taking music seriously, I graduated high school with no true direction for my future. I worked odd jobs from the typical fast food joints and the mall to construction. After much thought, I packed up and moved out to Phoenix, Arizona to start a fresh life and do whatever I dreamed of... 


When I first moved to Arizona, I was still unsure of what I wanted to do with my life, but I always had a passion for telling stories and relating to people all over the world. I began to save up and started building my own "bedroom studio" setup. I put together a small budget setup and started teaching myself by trial and error. I started off using free software from online and began writing and recording myself. I then began to reach out to other local artists to collaborate with. While out at a local show I met a singer from the Detroit area by the name of Dane Russell. We linked up and started working on a mixtape project entitled "The Come Up." We dumped our hearts and sould into it and released it free of charge to anyone willing to give it a listen.  After releasing our first project, I realized that there was something missing to our work and it was that "professional studio sound." I knew that I had a ton to learn about the industry and the creative process. 


Well, I decided to take music seriously and make a career out of it and before I knew it, I was enrolled in a Recording School and learning everything I could about the science of audio and all facets of audio engineering.  From that point I put my "Engineering Hat" on and only wore the "Artist Hat" from time to time. I graduated Recording School with a 3.8 GPA and never looked back. I went out to Los Angeles to work in some commercial studios and gain valuable knowledge. I worked with many top notch engineers, artists, producers, entertainers and learned tons from them all. 

After some time, I made my way back to the Phoenix, Arizona area and continued to pursuit my career in the music business. I was offered a position at the recording school I graduated from and eagerly accepted. Since then, I have focused on teaching and helping students gain the knowledge and experience they will need and use when looking to achieve a position in the music industry. I also work on my personal music projects as well as tracking, mixing, mastering many artists projects as well as continue to make my own music. 


I am currently working on my debut album. Doing most of the production work, composing, arranging, tracking, mixing and mastering myself utilizing the many studio facilities at my disposal. I strive to make music that spreads positivity, and that people can relate to and  possibly use to help them in times of need. My goal isn't to sell as many records as possible, but to create my own style that YOU the listener enjoys and something you can vibe to. 


I also run my own photography company called Carolina Boy™ Photography... Go figure that's the name, right? I love capturing moments in time and creating one of a kind pieces of art through a lens. Look for a dedicated Carolina Boy™ Photography website to be up soon! 


I have a clothing company ready to launch at any moment called "Optional Clothing CO." with a passion and emphasis on the freedom we have in America to choose what to wear and how to dress. Also look for a website to be up for it soon! 


With everything previously mentioned to the side, I have a deep passion for animal rescue, specifically Pit Bull Rescue. I have a Facebook page called "Life or Death Pit Bull Rescue" which is a tool in sharing dogs in need and helping save one dog at a time. One of the missions of my resuce is to raise awareness of the major issues we face today as Pit Bull owners, such as spay/neutering, training tips and most importantly PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE PIT BULL OWNERSHIP! Adop don't shop, that's the motto! 


~Carolina Boy™

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